assalammualaikum to all...
huhuuu~..I just got new homeworks to be done during this lovely holiday..ahaaaha..
what's that?...just copied from Aliaa's blog and paste in here...a wake up call for me..(haha, madam rozana's words!!)

here, I have...the poems to be studied for next semester...
1. Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen
2. The Send Off by Wilfred Owen
3. Beach Burial by Kenneth Slessor
4. Telephone Conversation by Wole Soyinka
5. Ballad of the Landlord by Langston Hughes
6. The Man He Killed by Thomas Hardy
7. Mending Wall by Robert Frost
in tesl course, we do have our english studies subject or we call it as literature study la..for spm leaver 2007, do u still remember on sonnet 18 poem that we learnt during form 4, ahaaha..
in this english studies class...huhuuhuu...I do really have to be critical enough in analysing the literally devices...sometimes,I do find really hard to find the devices in the studying the poems, normally we have to anaylse and discuss it first in group, and then present it..haha..when we are presenting, have to be prepared with the tricky questions that come from madam Z..haha..she always bombards us with the questions in somehow rather we could not aswer it at all..haha..that's madam Z way in teaching us to be critical enough when analysing the stories and poems. ..
but proud to tell that our english studies' lecturer is very sporting..hahaha... but for your information, when it comes to submitting our assignment to english department, she is very serious women!! is good la for us to be a discipline student!..hehe...

i just want share some tips in analysing poem..hehe
1. Try to figure out the meaning of the poem.
Ask yourself questions like: What happens in the poem? What is the poet trying to say? How
forcefully does he/she say it? Which lines bring out the meaning of the poem? Note that the last lines of a poem are usually important as they either emphasize or change the meaning of the poem.
2. Imagery is a common technique used by poets to get their meaning across.
Ask yourself: Which images have been chosen? Are they all related? Is there one overall image or are several different images used? What feeling is given by which image? Evaluate the poet's images.
3. Look for symbols.
The poet may use images that suggest certain concepts like love, youth, and death. What
meaning do these symbols contribute, and how effective are they?
4. Look at the poet’s choice of words.
The poet’s choice of words is usually very important. Try to determine why the poet used particular words and whether or not these words stand out. Determine how these particular words contribute to the meaning of the poem. Also, look for words that are repeated. What effect does this add to the poem?
5. Determine the voice and tone of voice of the poem.
Does the poet take on another persona? What is the poet’s mood (angry, regretful, suicidal,
ardent....) What words or images bring out this mood? What is the poet’s relationship with the reader? Is the poet trying to persuade, to amuse, or is he/she reflecting on the state of the world?
6. Determine if the poem has a storyline.
Ask yourself: Are there conflicts? Are these conflicts resolved? Are the characters shown fully or in part? What role do they play? Does suspense play a part?
7. Look for a rhyme scheme.
Does the rhyme scheme have any significance? Does the rhyme scheme draw attention to certain words or ideas? Is the poem in free verse (without a rhyming scheme)?
8. Determine the poem’s structure.
Is it in regular stanzaic form (two or more equal clusters of lines) or irregular form? If irregular,
why? The form of a poem (how it looks on the page) is often contributes to its meaning.
9. Determine the poem’s type.
Is the poem a lyric? A sonnet? A narrative? What is the significance of this type of poem? What
characteristics of this type of poem are found?
10. The above points are just suggestions!
All of the above points could be discussed when analyzing a poem. However, don't just go through these points mechanically. Each poem is unique, so you’ll have to decide which points are most important for your poem and then try, when writing your paper, to link together the different points
(retrieved at 2 December 2008 from /tlc/tipsheets/reading-and-analyzing/tips-analyzing-poetry(32).pdf)
that's all..
btw, I just want to say a big congratulation to my beloved x-roommates in malacca matriculation college for their achievement in final examination..miss them all..they just got their result by today...rosma got 3.9 and nana got 3.8...huhuu...(rindu nye nak blaja fizik tyme kat mtrx..huhuuuh~..but syukur2 alhamdulillah, masih lagi boleh belajar atas kurnian dr Allah...)
this pict below, is some of our memory...hehe~..
okay, that's all from me...salam...
8 voice (s):
blaja sonnet 18 pn dh mcm pecah kpale...
camne enti blaja bende2 plik tue???
kemusykilan melanda diri.
wah...all the branded shoes!!!
dunno wic one is u
erm.i think i noe wic shoes is yours.but later la let u noe.hahaha.ble kte jmp nnt.InsyaAllah
>>> abid
ahahaaa~..uih..jgn la ckp pelik~..
tula, skrg kene m'sastera kan diri ntok blaja mnde2 tuh...
bile la nk start ley wat poem sendiri..kui3~..:)
haha..branded? no la..bese2 saja..
>>> arabella
no one knows which one is mine, except for my matrix members n ipba students..
i do not use la that shoes..
i left it at my hostel..
so, i will use the other..ehheehe~
uih, ara, hows?..
'redah' jela..
ehehhe..insyaallah ley jumpe..
mari beramai2 ke kem apis~..hehe
uisskkh, tp bulan 12 musim ujan ek..
selangor bese banjir x ek..hehe~
salam fieqa~
mntk izin nk bceloteh kt sini..
hehe..thanx ziarah blog kte.
act..ttarik gn tajuk2 p0ems tu..
sgt menarik..n of c0z msti sgt penim nk analyse each of d word kn?!
dh lama tgl bnda2 ni..-_-
skrg maen gn term2 len plak..
fieqa..i wish u'll b a specialist in english..perhaps in literature..^_^
doakn kjayaan bsama...
do keep n touch..=)
>>> najihah iman
ukhuwah fillah abadan abada..
stay kip in tach ya..
n doakan kejayaan bersama..
thnx 4da wish..
i'm really appreciate it..
yeah..sometime, it quite difficult to analyse the poem and
to be critical enough...
name pon blaja kan..
challenge is everywhere..
sape sokong?..hehe..
but maybe i'm more interested in social studies..waWaawaa..(mesti nak tergelak kalo da2 tesl bace)..haha
tp ne jd cikgu dulu la coz da sign aggrement ngn kemntrian plajaran..
secondary school teacher to be, insyaallah...
hehe, but wanna be lecturer, insyaallah..
pray 4 our succes k?..:)
slangor mane de banjir..
kalo bnjr mst psl bnjr kilat..
maju slango!!
sy xbpe mnt sastera la cik pika..hehe
xpe2...nnati wat kan sy poem khas ukt aku~
>>> qilaraft
hahaaha..saje je tnye..
yela, selangor salu x banjir..hu3~
maju Malaysia!!..err..hehe~..
tapi pena kan satu tyme tu y banjir besar berlaku kat slngor..xsilap ak la..
dugaan dan bencana yang Allah turunkan pada kita rakyat Malaysia
supaya kita lebih mengingatiNya dan kembali pada Allah, tuhan yang Maha Esa...(tazkiyatun nafs..)
>>> nadhirah
haha, nad!
hehe..spesel nye!
tp pas abes grad la..
br la power2 sket ayat2 nye..hua3~..
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