Bismillahirrahman nirrahim..
Assalamualaikum W.B.T
Salam ukhwah sume!..ni saya ade sumting y agk besh ntok dipraktikkan…act, saya pon dalam proses belajar untuk mempraktikkan nye..cube bace dulu pe y ade kat bwh ni ye!.have a nice reading…^,^...ni ade timetable baru y bley kite wat...
1) Got up for Fajr on time and prayed Fajr with its sunnah
2) Made my morning Dhikr
3) Prayed all prayers on time and on earlier time possible
4) Made the recommended Dhikr after every prayer
5) Prayed all the 13 rakah of Sunnah prayers
6) Made Qunut/Dua for the Muslim Ummah in a prayer
7) Made Dua for my parents
8) Commanded one good
9) Forbade one evil
10) Prayed more than 1 Fard prayer in a mosque (males)
11) Read the Tafsir of one verse of the Quran
12) Read the new hadeeth and its meaning
13) Read 1 page of the Quran as a minimum
14) Attempted to practice one rare Sunnah of Rasulullah
15) Attempted to increase in knowledge (Reading/Listening/Watching)
16) Made one Muslim smile
17) Made my parents smile, hugged and kissed them
18) Did not argue, nor backbite with anyone
19) Did not harbor ill feelings in my heart against anyone
20) Did not do anything I was ensure about its permissibility
21) Tried my best to take care of my body
22) Gave charity (monetary)
23) Preserved or removed a harm from the environment
24) Made my Dua for the prophet Muhammad (saw)
25) Make Tawbah and istighfar 100 times
26) Pondered 10 minutes about struggling for this Deen
27) Did a special deed that is secret between me and Allah
28) Made my afternoon Dikhr
29) Read Surah Mulk before going to sleep
30) Wrote down/updated my will
31) Pondered about my Death and of the Judgement Day
32) Prayed absolute minimum 2 Rakah Tahajjud prayer
33) Asked Allah for Jannah and refuge from Jahannam (3x)
34) Went to sleep in a state of Wudu’
1) Read surah Kahfi
2) Attempted to pray on time and on earliest time
3) Took extra care to groom and maintain myself
4) Made Dua for Rasulullah
1) Memorize minimum ¼ page of Al-Quran
2) Attempted to join the hearts between two Muslims
3) Fed/clothed one needy person or gave a gift to one
4) Memorize one Dua from the Sunnah
5) Made Istikharah about an important matter
6) Memorize one hadeeth of Rasulullah
Haa, dah bace sume??…huhu…realy meaningful right?...jom kita copy mende ni n paste kan kat Microsoft word document.sape y pakai 2007 tu senang sket la, tp y 2003 pon boley je wat..usaha tangga kejayaan..ngeh3~~..pastu ley la wat table sendiri…buat column hari isnin smpai ahad n column comment..then ley la print and photostat byk2..ley bg kat kwn2 sebilik, serumah, sekampus, sekolej n ngan femly memasing pon boley….pastu ley la stat men ‘tick’ kat mana2 column y kite wat..nt kite ley tgk ape rupenye y kita dah wat dalam seharian hidup kita..hmmm?...btw, selamat mencuba!!…~,~..>fieqa<
11 voice (s):
ei.. naper kaunyer post camtue?
ader kod2 tambahan..
susah nak bc..
uhuhu.. (^_^)
eh..aq bace cm bese je..npe...xley bace ke...aiseyh..pe y aq wat ni...toing3*,*
ui.. wat do you mean by making 13 rakaah sunah prayer?
yg part one tue..
nice post..
bgus nye jadual nih..
nadh nk publish kat blog nadh leyh?
buat naikkn semangat iutk amalkn dan istiqomahkannya~.^
emm, td ade tnye akak senior..
okey~..8 rakaah for the qabliah n ba'diah prayers..then, the 3 for witr..so total up 11..got 2 more rite..i'm also not pretty sure bot that..tahajjud perhaps...but the thing is..
we do da bez in our amalan ya (advice to myself who olwez 'lalai'..huhu)...keep reminding me..^,^
tafaddal ya ukhti...
**sharing is caring**
owh.. cam tue ker.. btw..
tq ea 4 da info..
ak buta it...wat timetable tulis gne tgn je..hahaha
>> hani
ahhaaha~...ley je hani!! niat ade tu~..alhamdulillah ^,^ ..share ngn kengkawan ye..~~
>>to everyone...
i got some info regarding to solat rawatib..
sory 4da previous comment above..
actually, the solat rawatib are :
1) 2 rakaah before Subuh prayer
2) 2 rakaah before Zuhor prayer
3) 2 rakaah after Zuhor prayer
4) 2 rakaah before Asar prayer ( but some 'pendapat' said that 4 rakaah
5)2 rakaah after Maghrib prayer
6)2 rakaah before Isya' prayer
7)2 rakaah after Isya' prayer
8) 3 rakaah for the witr prayer
source: Rahsia Al-Fatihah book (2003)
written by Ustaz Dato' Hj. Ismail Kamus (x-kisas..hehe)..
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