erkss... hahaa..I was tagged again.thengs..and this time the tag is from cik najihah iman..erkss..I try my best to answer the question yaa..
okies~.. here r the instructions n questions to be answered...^,~
1. List these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
3. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
5. Link the person who tagged you.
6. Leave a comment for each blogger.
err..err...oHHhoo...actually, I really do not know on how to describe myself..aiyaaa..but I just follow what my heart says ya..
toingg..toingg..toingg..(still thinking...)..what to write???..ahaaha..
7 facts about me??
1) man ana???..ana muslim...^,^
2) love to join outdoor activities...
(huhuu..sob3..sgt sedih sbnrnya x dpt join kem APIS tu.len kali la ek fiqah nordin..xpe2..ade hikmah di sebaleknya, Insyaallah..sesungguhnya, Allah lebih mengetahui ape yang manusia tidak ketahui..)
3) I'm afraid of PACAT!!!!!!...
ahaaaha...really! lie...hOhhoo..(beter to ask my friends in IPBA..they definitely know the 'story' behind it..wahahaa...sssyyhhh friends~~..) ......during my trip to pulau pangkor with my coursemates (in november 08), ahahaa..when we were to be involved in the jungle trekking activity, I really could not give my hundred focus (ecehh) to find each of the checkpoints by using compass..(a sorry for my group members.;p..thanks to sugeetha too for being my buddy in the jungle..ehehe..~..she had helped me a lot..;))
erkks..could not focus?? why??'s because during the activity, I kept checking my shoes, 'beware' of the pacat from getting into my sock n then sucking my blood..oh Noooo!!..really afraid!!.If u can imagine that situation..hua3~... the thing is, even though, I had the experience in joining like these kind of activities, but..the fact that have to be accepted is, there are so many and many PACAT in Pulau Pangkor (safiqa,2008)..ahaks~.. !!..ahahaa..maybe, I am not really tough enough to face this kind of challenge...hahaa..huuuhu..too many descriptions plaks..ngee~...
(err..tiba2 nak share lak gambar2 di pulau pangkor..cik najihah iman, saya ubah sedikit ye post ni..;P) tq2..hee~ antara gambar2 sewaktu trip di pulau pangkor bulan november lalu..
ade ke pacat dalam gambar nie???..musykil3~..;)
okey, continue with the questions..
4) love orange and black plus grey colour..;)
orange is sweet and black is smart..ahaks~
5) twiggies addicted~..(haha..anyone share the same thing too??)
6) my favourite subject during my school time was add-math..;)
7) recently, love to listen to IKIM fm before going to sleep via my handphone..huhuuu...let's have a try!!..ngeh3~.nasyeed is the best..hehe~...
then..the next question is...
6 unspectacular quirks of yours??
errkks..what ya??..
redha akan kurniaan yang Maha Esa...insyaallah..
Tag 7 people ;p
1) yoo chun!
2) timah razak (hua3)
3) nadzirah
4) diana
5) tin kosong
6) mahirah
7) qilaraft (hahaa..this time ko kena qilaahh!!)
okey...wallahualam...sampai di sini saje rasenye post ini..ilalliqa' maasalamah..assalammualaikum...
p/s- cik najihah iman, I have done already, any comment?..hehe~ ;)
8 voice (s):
da wat da..
hehe.bestnye ade proglam outdoor cm 2.mau join2.!!
>>> qilaraft
td aku da jenguk gak...
tq byk2...hua3
>>> arabella
best mmg best cik ara..
tp ya allah, tuhan je y tawu..
seram gile masuk hutan..ohoo..
tp y best dpt kayak, pastu ade water confidence...besh3~..
komen r kt tag ak wat tuh..
igt sng ke nk tgk ak rajin ha..
>>> qilaraft
ahahaa..dahh cik qilah syg oi...
br je comment.. tgh hari da bace sket2 post ko..
tp x smpt nk bg comment..
on9 kejap2 je...mintak maap byk2 eii~...wee~
erkk??nk ckp sumtg..
hehe..pqah aka syakira..
haha..lawak tol..
eh,igt x sir ckp ape..
sape check kasut ade pacat ke x,
kena mkn kasut...waaaa..tkut2..
btw,besh la g ctu..
byk yg ak bljr espcly kayak
n pasang kemah..
p/s:wlpn kene marah tyme pasang
kemah,tp enjoy...huhu..tetibe tingat kat naiimah..
jgn sir baha stil panggil aku nama tu sudah la..ahaha..klaka la..
erkks, a'ar laa
kene mara ek kite time pasang khemah....
so conclusion nye, ne practise dulu okey b4 g kem..erkks, bile plak nk practise ek..dok bz ngn asigment jaa..ehee~
yup2..aku pon blaja sesuatu..
n sgt byk!!
exspesel PACAT!!!!!!!!
no comment.ahahahaa.......
erk, a'ar.
rindu ngn naiimah...sob2
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