Ya Allah, aku sangat 'desperate'. Jangan kau hilangkan semangat ini Ya ALLAH. Jangan kau hijabkan kemanisan bulan ramadhan dalam diri ini Ya ALLAH. Jangan kau letakkan dunia dalam hati ini Ya ALLAH. Kau jadikan 'tugasan'2 dunia sebagai mujahadah kami Ya ALLAH. Kau permudahkan segalanya.
Ya ALLAH, hanya pada engkau aku mohon pertolongan. Bantu aku. Aamiin..
Apabila Saidina Abu Bakar dalam kesusahan ketika hijrah, tertulis didalam al-Quran..Inna Allaha Ma'ana..maka,mngulang ape yg dilakukan oleh Allah dan RasulNya..INNAALLAHA MA'ANA..
kalau kita menyukai sesuatu perkara, pasti kita takkan rasa bosan dan penat untuk melakukannya selalu, right? klu kita tak suka, pasti menda tue walau sekejap mana pun masa yg diperuntukkn untuknya akan terasa bagai seribu tahun lamanya.. kan?
for me.. just relax2, jgn tensyen2 enjoy the tasks that u have.. tanamkan dalam hati bhw setiap tugasan yg kita lakukn itu adlh ibadah kpd Allah yang Maha Esa..
insyaAllah kita takkan susah hati dan tak rasa busy drNya tapi sebaliknya kita rasa enjoy jer nak wat tugasan2 tue sbb, tugasan2 tue yg kita niatkn kerana Dia lebih mengingatkn kita pd Dia..
bknkh setiap amaln yg disertai niat kerana Allah itu salah satu dr ibadah?
so, just relax n enjoy the task k.. jgn tensyen2
you're one of the chosen people chose by Allah to face thousands of tasks in order to get closer to Him.
last words, ibadah itu bukan semata-mata di atas sejadah.
situasi kte lbih kurang same.. kesibukan dunia~ :(
stop n reflect balik, btull kate nisa, ibadah bkn di ats sejadah semata2..:)
our mindset's very crucial rite.. as a believer,kte kena regard every minute spent on stdying-bwt keje ape22 yg bmanfaat as a good deed n hope that Allah'll bless us~
thanks for the highsprited words.. u've made me kinda fresh!..hihi..^_^ hamdlah..=)
btol2 nisa, aku ade pena dgr, kadang tue kita x boleh trlalu memikirkan natijah/result ape y kita akan dpt atas usaha kite, coz mnde tu klo nk difikirkan balek xde effect pon kat pahala/dosa kite dpt.. e.g- klo exam score tinggi, n exam x score seberpa, xde effect ape2.. tp usaha kite tu Allah pandang , insyaAllah, klo ade berkat pahala, dpt lah kite..insyaAllah..
so same goes to evertin' that we do rite??
p/s-actuly skrg agak bz ngn byk nye asigment, plus kami kene put up a play (kinda theater or show) entitled THE MERCHANT OF VENICE) it is about the merchants in venice, it moves around the theme of revenge, religion conflict n bla2.. but for the part of the play, we delete all the things that relate to the religion becoz it IS a SENSITIVE issue rite?...conflict bitwin jews and christian.. we will stage the exact story but without the religion conflict.. understand?..hehe..
so a lot of things needs to be done.. e-g : d actors, scripts,prop, costume, exhibition, opening ceremony etc n all...
need A BIG sacrification..hu3..
tula kadang mmg terasa masa teramil coz hari2 balek kol 12 mlm lebih coz skrg dok cat2 backdrop kat atas kain..huk3..
play ni lagi 2 minggu, but too many things need to be finished.. yet we got a small num of people in our cohort ( just 52 of us) to do all the things..
hihi.. aku cam crite pnjg la plaks.. yela..xsmpat ym ngn ko..so aku cite kat sini la..^_^
thanks 4da comment!!! I appreciate it with all my heart.. seriously..^_^
yap2.. as been commented above.. what we do, it must go back to Allah.. everytin' dat we hope, let it be in Allah's power.. we CANT do anything.. but one n only, obey everything that he wants us to do..insyaAllah he knows everything.. somehow, perhaps, that matter may not be good for him or her, but if we do believe in Allah, everything that we 'have' is the best for us!..
we as the poor believer, really need HIS guidance so that HE can transform our life accordingly.. insyaAllah..
try to mujahadah to practise these things.. (ku pon byk y x mampu..huk3)
10 ciri individu muslim..
1. Aqidah yg Sejahtera
2. Ibadah yg sohih
3. Akhlak yg mantap
4. Berpengetahuan Luas
5.Memiliki tubuh badan yg sihat
6. Bermujahadah melawan hawa nafsu
8.Tersusun didalam urusan
9.Menepati masa
10.Bermanfaat utk orang lain. ****
n btw, I learned something new today.hamdalah. do your bear that, we (mybe not you, but of course ME) always use the word 'kebetulan'..
perasan x, kalo diri ni la..salu ckp,
"eh, kebetulan dia ada kat situ..
"kebetulan plaks aku g sane/situ
"kebtulan lecturer dtg...
N PERASAN x.. klo kite gune perkataan kebtulan, ade kwn ku ckp, "Allah xde ke??..nape kebetulan plaks..kan tu takdir ALLAH.. everything that had happened, it was all in Allah's power rite??
so, dr gune perkataan "KEBETULAN" kite bertukar pada
"eh, TAKDIR ALLAH dia ada kat situ..
"dgn TAKDIR ALLAH plaks aku g sane/situ
"dgn TAKDIR ALLAH lecturer dtg...
hee..cm byk la plaks ckp.. moge Allah permudahkan urusanku bile diuji ujian atas ape y ku perkatakan.. insyaAllah..
thanks for sharing.. nk mnta izin copy n paste kt blog kte eh.words from you! :)
dan..mari kte tukar penggunaan kate "kebetulan" tu..almost all d time kte kate kebetulan..but d fact is,setiap ape yg berlaku ialah atas aturan Allah..takdir Allah.
wa.canggih ke..XD bese2 je lorh.. haa, mane dia punye post?? cmne ley klik plaks kat ruang comment tp x perasan post.. pelik.. post dia atas column "you might also like" y tulisan hitam + oren tu la post nye.. saje2 choose tmplate kaler putih.. world wide..heh~..
salimul aqidah : aqidah yang sejahtera sahihul ibadah : ibadah yang sahih qawiyyul jism :sihat tubuh badan matinul khuluk : akhlak yang mantap! mutsaqqafal fikri : luas pengetahuan qadiran ala kasbi : bermanfaat pada orang lain mujahadah ala nafsi : melawan hawa nafsu haarithun ala waqtihi : menjaga masa munazzamun fi syu'unihi : tersusun urusannya nafi'un li ghairihi : mampu berdikari
moga dengan izin Allah, kita akan meningkat sedikit demi sedikit.
14 voice (s):
Apabila Saidina Abu Bakar dalam kesusahan ketika hijrah, tertulis didalam al-Quran..Inna Allaha Ma'ana..maka,mngulang ape yg dilakukan oleh Allah dan RasulNya..INNAALLAHA MA'ANA..
ameeenn ya rabb~
nadh juga rase cam pika skrg..
kalau kita menyukai sesuatu perkara,
pasti kita takkan rasa bosan dan penat untuk melakukannya selalu, right?
klu kita tak suka,
pasti menda tue walau sekejap mana pun masa yg diperuntukkn untuknya akan terasa bagai seribu tahun lamanya..
for me..
just relax2, jgn tensyen2
enjoy the tasks that u have..
tanamkan dalam hati bhw setiap tugasan yg kita lakukn itu adlh ibadah kpd Allah yang Maha Esa..
insyaAllah kita takkan susah hati dan tak rasa busy drNya
tapi sebaliknya
kita rasa enjoy jer nak wat tugasan2 tue
sbb, tugasan2 tue yg kita niatkn kerana Dia lebih mengingatkn kita pd Dia..
bknkh setiap amaln yg disertai niat kerana Allah itu salah satu dr ibadah?
so, just relax n enjoy the task k..
jgn tensyen2
you're one of the chosen people chose by Allah to face thousands of tasks in order to get closer to Him.
last words,
ibadah itu bukan semata-mata di atas sejadah.
situasi kte lbih kurang same..
kesibukan dunia~ :(
stop n reflect balik,
btull kate nisa, ibadah bkn di ats sejadah semata2..:)
our mindset's very crucial rite..
as a believer,kte kena regard every minute spent on stdying-bwt keje ape22 yg bmanfaat as a good deed n hope that Allah'll bless us~
jom same2 tenangkan diri..nk msuk 15 ramadhan dah..
Dzuu Haniin,
syukran 4da nasihat!
jom sama2 practise kn..
(sesungguhnye Allah brsama2 kita..)
aamiin ya rabbal alamiin..
oh ye?..
moge Allah bntu kite..aamiin..
thanks for the highsprited words..
u've made me kinda fresh!..hihi..^_^
btol2 nisa,
aku ade pena dgr,
kadang tue kita x boleh trlalu memikirkan natijah/result ape y kita akan dpt atas usaha kite, coz mnde tu klo nk difikirkan balek xde effect pon kat pahala/dosa kite dpt..
e.g- klo exam score tinggi, n exam x score seberpa, xde effect ape2..
tp usaha kite tu Allah pandang , insyaAllah, klo ade berkat pahala, dpt lah kite..insyaAllah..
so same goes to evertin' that we do rite??
p/s-actuly skrg agak bz ngn byk nye asigment,
plus kami kene put up a play (kinda theater or show) entitled THE MERCHANT OF VENICE)
it is about the merchants in venice, it moves around the theme of revenge, religion conflict n bla2..
but for the part of the play,
we delete all the things that relate to the religion becoz it IS a SENSITIVE issue rite?...conflict bitwin jews and christian..
we will stage the exact story but without the religion conflict..
so a lot of things needs to be done..
e-g : d actors, scripts,prop, costume, exhibition, opening ceremony etc n all...
need A BIG sacrification..hu3..
tula kadang mmg terasa masa teramil coz hari2 balek kol 12 mlm lebih coz skrg dok cat2 backdrop kat atas kain..huk3..
play ni lagi 2 minggu,
but too many things need to be finished..
yet we got a small num of people in our cohort ( just 52 of us) to do all the things..
aku cam crite pnjg la plaks..
yela..xsmpat ym ngn ko..so aku cite kat sini la..^_^
najihah iman,
thanks 4da comment!!!
I appreciate it with all my heart..
as been commented above..
what we do, it must go back to Allah..
everytin' dat we hope, let it be in Allah's power..
we CANT do anything..
but one n only, obey everything that he wants us to do..insyaAllah
he knows everything..
somehow, perhaps, that matter may not be good for him or her, but
if we do believe in Allah,
everything that we 'have' is the best for us!..
we as the poor believer, really need HIS guidance so that HE can transform our life accordingly..
try to mujahadah to practise these things..
(ku pon byk y x mampu..huk3)
10 ciri individu muslim..
1. Aqidah yg Sejahtera
2. Ibadah yg sohih
3. Akhlak yg mantap
4. Berpengetahuan Luas
5.Memiliki tubuh badan yg sihat
6. Bermujahadah melawan hawa nafsu
8.Tersusun didalam urusan
9.Menepati masa
10.Bermanfaat utk orang lain.
n btw,
I learned something new today.hamdalah.
do your bear that, we (mybe not you, but of course ME) always use the word 'kebetulan'..
perasan x, kalo diri ni la..salu ckp,
"eh, kebetulan dia ada kat situ..
"kebetulan plaks aku g sane/situ
"kebtulan lecturer dtg...
klo kite gune perkataan kebtulan,
ade kwn ku ckp,
"Allah xde ke??..nape kebetulan plaks..kan tu takdir ALLAH..
everything that had happened, it was all in Allah's power rite??
so, dr gune perkataan "KEBETULAN" kite bertukar pada
"eh, TAKDIR ALLAH dia ada kat situ..
"dgn TAKDIR ALLAH plaks aku g sane/situ
"dgn TAKDIR ALLAH lecturer dtg...
hee..cm byk la plaks ckp..
moge Allah permudahkan urusanku bile diuji ujian atas ape y ku perkatakan..
hope it benefits!..^_^
thanks for sharing..
nk mnta izin copy n paste kt blog kte eh.words from you! :)
dan..mari kte tukar penggunaan kate
"kebetulan" tu..almost all d time kte kate kebetulan..but d fact is,setiap ape yg berlaku ialah atas aturan Allah..takdir Allah.
cantik gmbr pelangi tu..=)
slm.wa,nti pny blog cnggih sgt smpai ana xtau cmne nk bace..mne die punye post??sowi lor,buta IT sket~
najihah iman,
sila2 copy pasta..
sy mediator je..=)
jom kite praktiskan ntok sebut
"ditakdirkan Allah...bla3"
I know u like pelangi.hehe..
nice rite?..
I love it also..^_^
Mr enlightenment,
wa.canggih ke..XD
bese2 je lorh..
haa, mane dia punye post??
cmne ley klik plaks kat ruang comment tp x perasan post..
post dia atas
column "you might also like"
y tulisan hitam + oren tu la post nye..
saje2 choose tmplate kaler putih..
world wide..heh~..
jangan biarkan Ramadhan ini berlalu seperti mana berlalunya Ramadhan2 yang lepas...
moga kita sentiasa mentazkirkan diri untuk terus bermujahadah..(^_^)
jom sama2 berusaha..
(menasihati diri sendiri!!)
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